Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jed's Island Resort Summer Getaway

Another sunny Saturday morning. Summer heat is on, and Legacy-Excidium planned to spend the weekend at Jed's Island Resort, that's in Calumpit, Bulacan.

A two-week ahead plan was set at the guild's announcements, filled with yes and nos and "I'll think about it first" replies. Within a few days, the final decision was set, the group will be composed of John and his family (mom and siblings), Ann, Mychal, Dave, Jhing and Me. No one's stopping us, even if we're less than ten, it's still a go.

Read more about our summer getaway after the jump!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Brainstorming Day

It's been a few days since my last post. As of today, I have a list of ideas to write and share with you guys. Reading over updates from iRO Ragnarok Forums, I got excited again to post something today. I said to myself earlier that I'll be posting by tomorrow, but instead, opened up the blog and started typing on.

Aside from trips, food and stuff, I'm adding a new line of content here in JB Chronicles. Anyway I'm in to it, I would start writing about Ragnarok Online Lores and Stories. These would be based on the game's stories which are mostly optional and are considered out-of-the-way that most online gamers would rather not pay attention to them and just go on grinding their characters to level up. I guess, this is my way of adding spice to the game.

As of today, I have decided to focus on one particular story of the game, which I find controversial and somehow rich in content. It is about the Somatology Laboratory, commonly referred to as Biolabs.

You may have an idea about it, however even a regular player would be surprised to hear about the untold stories, which only needs to be compiled to get the whole picture of it.

The actual story will be posted sometime soon. I have yet to compile the information from the game thru quests and talking to NPCs. Stay tuned!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The DJ in You... DJMAX Technika

Spending your free time strolling around at the mall, buying stuff over here and grab some food over there would be the usual routine that your average person would do. One thing caught my attention, this was way back last year 2010 at the top level floor of Alabang Town Center (ATC) at Timezone.

Videoke box? Not quite

Someone's playing on this machine which I thought as something similar to the old Dance Dance Revolution by KONAMI. I asked the guy standing behind the one who's playing, and all he did is to point at the cabinet's (the game unit's) header. It says DJMAX Technika. I got excited at that time, especially when I noticed that they have to insert a card on the platform.

To own the card means that you are a member of the Platinum Crew, and with it you can save game data, avail of the ranking services join tournament and more.

More of DJMAX Technika after the jump

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Paombong, Bulacan Trip

Saturday morning, March 26, 2011, the date marked on my phone calendar where we have decided to cancel the weekly War of Emperium for Ragnarok Online, and call it off to enjoy the company of Legacy and Excidium of New Chaos guildsmen.

Arriving at a port near a river at Paombong, Bulacan, this is all where the adventure begins. We have to ride a boat without the outriggers (katig), with some of the party members would like to back out already since it was pitch dark in the middle of the river.

Paombong, Bulacan river port with Legacy and Excidium

Read the rest of the adventure after the jump.

Memories of Pre-Renewal Ragnarok

Ragnarok Online has always been the best MMORPG for me (not to mention those current 3D games around), maybe because of its simple gameplay and the "expect the unexpected" feeling while playing it.

Rachel Sanctuary and the High Priestess
Just so you know a little bit about the game itself, player characters interact in a 3D environment but are represented as 2D character sprites. Major changes in the game features and the stories, labeled as "episodes", take place as the history of the in-game world is written.

Talking about this major changes, one of them would be the recent update dubbed "Renewal", in which case a lot of changes in the game system are implemented.

Pre-Renewal Ragnarok escapades and stuff after the jump.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Humble Beginnings...

Welcome to JB Chronicles.
Well, not my first blog though, but I would say this would be my first 'official' one.
To start things off, this blog would be mostly for my interests, latest happenings and as the description of the blog says: Just a little about everything... ( that is, if ever I find them worth blogging for hehe!)
The content I'll be posting here would be mostly be from my own 'captured' moments, or if needed, cite the sources for the information that'll be used.